Here at Lovett Financial we always want to make sure you have the best product options available to you. When it comes to annuities the rates and hot products are constantly changing. Lovett Financial has access to nearly all annuity carriers, and are happy to assist you with your annuity needs. Whether it is MYG’s, SPIA’s, traditional annuities, or indexed annuities, we are here to help. Because there is constant change, we have tried to simplify these for you with a snapshot of the current rates and a couple of examples of our best-selling indexed Annuities.
Snapshot of the best MYGs.
This will be updated every Monday.
Please give us a call for full details on these products. We am a firm believer that there is not one annuity that is a fit for everyone, and nearly every client has different goals and objectives. Please contact us today to discuss your client’s needs.